Kutai one alternative for travelers Destinations , save a lot of
natural attractions , namely Taman Anggrek grit Luway Nature Reserve ,
Niagara Jantur inar . Many
ways to reach these attractions , from Melak district can be reached by
4-wheel vehicle and wheel 2 and the river transport ( ship ) .
West Kutai is + 325 km from the city of Samarinda , the trip can be reached by road , river and air , travel time + 6 hours by road .
Sights Featured In West Kutai District :• Jempang and Other LakesJempang Jempang located in the District with an area of approximately 15,000 ha , as a producer of river fish . Semayang lake is located in the village Semayang with an area of approximately 11,000 ha is also the producer of river fish . The lake is on Kojo ( 100 ha ) , Berambai Lake ( 30 ha ) , Lake Malinau ( 25 ha ) and Lake Loa Maong ( 100 ha ) .Travelers who want to visit these lakes can use river boats ( Samarinda - Muara Muntai ) . From Muara Muntai Jempang lake by boat Ketinting .
• Grit LuwayIt's in Melak district , approximately 15 km from the village of Melak . Area of 5,000 ha . Types of orchids that are in place are: Black Orchid ( Coelogynepandurata ) , Erya Vanilla , Erya Florida , Coelogyne Rocus Soini and Bulpophylum Mututina , Orchid Bag Semar .Information contained in the location facility space and other needs for space tourists are also available in Melak . To visit this place can be reached by river boat from Samarinda - Melak , followed by two wheelers / four .
• Mencimai , Benuaq , Black OrchidOrhid Engkuni , Eheng and thundering Niagara Jantur are villages inhabited by the Dayak Alas , there are Lamin a distance of 7 km from the terminal . Kampong Tongkok Clan as Benuaq Tribe Arts Center . In the village there is a museum Mencimai ' Mencimai ' which contains data and information Benuaq tribe lives in farming , hunting and other civic life , complete with photos and descriptions . The museum was built with the help of a Japanese tourist fee .Lamin - lamin were inhabited by the people in these villages are : Mencimai Lamin , Lamin Benung , Enqkuni Lamin , Lamin Eheq . And the guests who come are offered with Hudog art .
• Waterfalls roar JanturWaterfall tourism object is located in the village of Rumbling Jatur Steady approximately 10 km . The specialty of Jantur Rumbling Falls is the presence of heritage temples Hindu kingdom known as Stone Begulur . There are also halls made with the underground rock layers with length 50 m . This location is suitable to be used as the location of the archaeological research .
• Village TeringLocated on the banks of the Mahakam River District Long Iram . People living in rural parts tering Bahau friendly welcoming guests with art Hudoq . Facilities available : Lamin Indigenous , Public Art Shop . Famous traditional ceremony : Lamelah Tenan , Laliq Iqbal , Hudoq Apah . To visit this place can be reached by river boat ( Samarinda - Datah Say ) for 2 days .
• Pillars of Peace Long Build LilirPillars of Peace is located on the banks of the Mahakam River District Long Build . The village is inhabited by other Dayak Lepo Tau is derived from Apo Kayan . Their life is very harmonious and have Lamin length . Native art and culture has its own characteristics compared with Dayak Kenyah tribes other .Long Build Lilir village inhabited by the Dayak tribe Bahau so that their culture is different from the other tribe . Most people living in Lamin . To visit this place can be reached by river boat ( Samarinda - Long Build Lilir ) for 2 days .
• Long Pahangai and Long TuyukLocated on the banks of the Mahakam river and rapids through which the current is swift . Dayak tribes who live in Long , namely : Umaq Flute , Huang Long Gelat , Umaq Murut , Huang Kayan and Umaq Pala . The village is in the domicile Long Tuyuk Bahau famous Dayak tribe with its culture. In this village there are Lamin Indigenous Mesaat . By the time we explore this area there are many Rafting Upper Napo Shrimp , Neohida , etc. . Arts and culture community that Dangai Ceremony , Ceremony Welcomes Guests , etc. . To reach this area can use the plane ( Samarinda - Data Strings ) or Long Boat Carter .
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