Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Uniqueness Dayak Kenyah At Pampang Village Samarinda

Indonesia with cultural diversity has its own characteristics in each region. Variety of language, ethnicity, culture makes this country rich in diversity. One such property that should be preserved the Dayak Cultural Village which is located in the village Kenyah Pampang Samarinda in East Kalimantan. Dayak culture is unique, ranging from clothing, customs, culture, food, dance, language and tools life uses.

Pampang village located not too far from the center of the city of Samarinda. In this village there are two existing tribes the Dayak Dayak Kenyah and Apokayan. Initially the two tribes who originally inhabited the forests of West Kutai and Malinau perform movements or move diikarenakan reluctant to join Malaysia. Dayak tribe's high nationalism makes them reluctant to travel far to remain in the Republic of Indonesia.

The trip finally reached the village Pampang and until now has been growing village inhabited Dayak Kenyah and Apokayan, even in 1991 the village officially Pampang serve as cultural village in East Kalimantan. In this village activities undertaken by the Dayak tribe is growing, from the Dayak tribe native handicrafts such as bracelets, rings, purses, fabric etc, dances were held weekly, the original home ornaments typical Dayak style and color, typical Dayak weapons such as chopsticks and Saber, as well as the traditional songs of the Dayak.

Travelers who arrive in this village not only from domestic but many foreign tourists who often visit Pampang to see the unique culture. The entrants will be served a village or township which is very distinctive character of Borneo, when entering this tourist village direct tourists can feel the aura typical Dayak.

Visitors can also berpoto the indigenous Dayak people who are known for having long ears by wearing ornaments like earrings. Everyday objects Dayak tribe can also be enjoyed in this village like a musical instrument, typical weapons, clothes made of bark and the typical food of Dayak. Currently, local governments are also supporting and developing Pampang village that later many tourists who want to visit Borneo Samarinda EAST. Every year in the village also held an event called Pelasan routine, a custom event Dayak Kenyah and Apokayan Pampang makes getting known tourist village.

With the diversity and uniqueness of the local culture in each of Indonesia, it is possible at all to state that our country is rich in historical values​​, customs and culture that are not owned by other countries. Hopefully the preservation of this culture are well preserved till our next generation future.

This is Rumah Lamin or Lamin House.

Ibnu Najjar

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